Here you will find the highest quality in compass production. Look here if you want a Binnacle or Bracket Mount Compass, or if you need a Bulkhead, Flush Mount or Surface Mount Compass. Look here too for compass models with inclinometers, tactical racing scales or models of Hand-Bearing Compass.
We offer compasses in several styles of dials to fit your need. Direct-Read Dials allow you to see the compass heading and lubber line from directly in front - good when boat design requires your compass to be at eye level. Flat-Card Dials allow you to look down on the compass and see the course heading. Cone-Card Dials and Combi-Dials incorporate features that allow reading above and directly in front of the compass and maximize readability from any angle.
Find GPS-interfaced digital compass instrumentation in the Wireless Electronics section of this Electronics & Navigation Category.